Describe Conversation
Updates information about a Conversation object in Kustomer.
Use describeConversation
to add predefined and custom attributes to the conversation with conversationId
import KustomerChat from '@kustomer/chat-react-native';
KustomerChat.describeConversation('conversationId', {
'error.last': '2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
'push.last': '2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
'push.enabled': true,
'custom.attribute': 'someValue',
You can send the SDK custom attribute values for custom attributes enabled in
Always use the attribute name instead of the Display Name listed in the
Klasses editor (Settings > Platform > Klasses) in Kustomer. The attribute
name will always be formatted in camelCase or PascalCase without spaces and also
describes the data type for the attribute.
For example, if a custom attribute has a Display Name of "Avg Sat Score" and has
a number data type, then the name may appear as AvgSatScoreNum. You would use
, the system name for the custom attribute, with the SDK.
Activate custom attributes for the Conversation klass
To update custom attributes, ensure you have the custom attribute key-value
pairs activated for the Conversation klass on the Kustomer platform. To edit or
view custom attributes for the Conversation klass, go to Settings and select
Platform > Klasses > Conversation.
To learn more, see
Define custom attribute in Kustomer
in the Kustomer Help Center.
Updated over 1 year ago