

Release date: 04-23-2024 // Docs (latest)


Improved the reliability of incoming message delivery when actively viewing a conversation.


Release date: 04-16-2024 // Docs


  • Improved and optimized how we fetch messages for a given conversation in our UI.
  • Improved the ‘No internet connection’ banner displayed in the chat UI.


Release date: 04-02-2024


  • Fixed an intermittent issue where the unread message count didn't properly reset after a user visited a conversation.


Release date: 03-13-2024


  • Removed UI header for KnowledgeBase category results to mirror other SDKs.


  • Improved the German translations in the knowledge base UI.


Release date: 02-22-2024


  • Fixed an issue where the initial agent message disappeared after the user replied to conversations initiated with a default message.
  • Fixed an issue where the agent avatar was missing for conversations initiated with a default message.


  • Update Kotlin Coroutines version to 1.6.4.


Release date: 02-09-2024


  • Ignore conversation messages sent from other brands.


  • Fixed an issue where satisfaction (CSAT) surveys did not appear in a conversation if the customer was still viewing it. Now, once an agent marks the conversation done, the CSAT will be shown to the customer.


  • Update PubNub version to 7.8.0.
  • Update Moshi version to 1.14.0.
  • Update Kotlin version to 1.8.21.


Release date: 01-25-2024


  • Handle multiple concurrency issues in the UI package.
  • Fixed an issue that caused initialization errors due to keyset brand mismatch.


Release date: 12-01-2023


  • Support for displaying AI chat assistant messages.
  • Support for AI assistant typing indicator.


  • Initial messages from the chat assistant were missing intermittently.
  • User avatar is missing for attachment messages from the agent.
  • Tapping on deflection articles after dismissing quick reply actions resulted in a crash.
  • Intermittent unresponsive UI when answer button feedback actions are taken.


  • Moved all quick reply actions into the message thread.


Release date: 10-16-2023 // Docs


  • Catching bugs that caused chat to crash following:
    • An IndexOutofBoundsException error.
    • A request to okhttp3.


  • EventBus publishing within Kustomer's logging which allows users to subscribe to events with their error logger.


Release date: 09-14-2023


  • Fixed an issue where articles failed to open due to an incorrect URL.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause chat sessions to appear across multiple brands in the same integration.
  • Fixed an issue where messages sent by an agent would periodically disappear.


Release date: 05-16-2023


  • Fixed an issue with displaying branded knowledge base articles.


Release date: 05-08-2023


  • Fixed bugs that caused chat to crash following an ConcurrentModificationException error.


Release date: 03-22-2023


  • Fixed bugs that caused chat to crash following:
    • An IndexOutofBoundsException error.
    • A request to okhttp3.
  • Fixed a bug that might cause the app to crash if the internet connection is lost.


Release date: 02-21-2023


  • Fixed bugs that caused chat to crash following:
    • An IndexOutofBoundsException error
    • An ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException error
  • Fixed a bug that caused inbound message bubbles to overlap.


Release date: 11-28-2022

Summary: Hotfix release


  • Fixed knowledge base article URLs for articles not hosted on custom domains where the top-level domain is .support.


Release date: 11-16-2022


  • Fixed a bug where articles that were not in a default brand category failed to open when viewing them in the chat UI. Now, all articles in all brands are displayed properly.
  • Fixed a bug where viewing images with a wide aspect ratio caused the app to crash.
  • Fixed a bug where the No Connection banner covered the first message in the conversation list.
  • Fixed an issue with the unavailable greeting message being off-center.
  • Fixed a bug where end-user default messages were ignored when a chat assistant was present.


  • Improved the accuracy of Turkish translations.
  • The Deflection report now immediately shows all articles that are clicked in chat, even if the chat is abandoned after the article is clicked.


  • Initial messages sent to a customer now appear on the agent timeline when creating a new session.


Release date: 10-06-2022


  • Added a new openKbCategory method that can be used to open a Knowledge base category by its ID.
  • Added support to display knowledge base articles marked as “Featured Articles” on the Answers tab in the chat UI.


  • Increased the display height for multi-level lists in the chat UI.
  • Improved scroll jank that appeared when multiple assistant template messages are received in a row.


Release date: 08-22-2022 /


  • Added filtering for insecure file types.


  • Improved the user experience when starting a conversation if you have a default assistant set. Now, you can also choose to override the default so that an assistant isn't used at all.
  • Improved the conversation list UI. Now, a New Messages divider visually indicates where new, unread messages begin.
  • Changes to Chat settings now reflect immediately within the SDK.


Release date: 08-04-2022

Summary: Hotfix release


  • Removed unused launcher icon files from the SDK.


Release date: 07-27-2022


  • Added a button that allows you to quickly scroll down to the bottom of the message thread.


  • Improved how customer deletion is handled. Now, end-users are logged out of chat when the delete event is received.
  • Improved how conversation deletion is handled. Now, deleting an open conversation ends the chat, and the customer is prompted to start a new conversation.
  • Improved the exception shown if an app tries to access Kustomer before it’s initialized.
  • Improved how articles render in the SDK.


  • Updated jetpack navigation libraries from 2.3.4 to 2.4.2.


  • Removed unused launcher icon files from the SDK.


Release date: 06-22-2022 // Docs


  • Added support for setting a lock-out period with satisfaction (CSAT) surveys. To edit the time period, go to the Settings > Satisfaction > General tab in your Kustomer organization.
  • Added two new parameters that can be used on conversation creation:
    • describeAttributes parameter can be used to pass conversation attributes
    • title parameter that can be used to set the conversation name
      For more information, see Start new conversation.


  • Improved the loading of customer profiles with a large conversation history.
  • Improved the color of file names sent in messages so that they match the color scheme set by the developer.


Release date: 05-25-2022


  • Fixed a bug that caused isLoggedIn to incorrectly return as false when an anonymous customer profile was merged after login.
  • Fixed a bug where devices are showing a ‘No Internet Connection’ banner warning despite being connected to wifi.
  • Fixed a bug that displayed the ‘Power by Kustomer’ logo when the setting was turned off.


  • Added the ability to pinch-to-zoom an image.


  • Improved unread counts for conversations with messages going back more than 30 days.
  • Improved pagination performance.
  • Improved the accuracy of Turkish translations.


  • Updated the Pubnub Jackson library to the latest version.


Release date: 04-18-2022

Summary: Hotfix release


  • Improved PubNub connection handling for implementations that do not have chat push notifications configured.
  • Improved error logging for connection issues. Now, the log displays a red “Error” message if you’re unable to establish a connection with our backend systems.


Release date: 04-06-2022


  • Fixed a bug that periodically caused observeActiveConversationIds to return a previously closed conversation.
  • Fixed a bug where read receipts weren’t updating for messages sent with attachments.


  • Added the preferredView option which allows you to customize what view customers see when they first open the chat widget. This was previously called KusWidgetType.


  • Improved push notifications. Now, we display your org’s app icon in the notification instead of the user avatar.
  • Improved error logging around describing a conversation. Now, you will see exact error codes, along with a description of the issue.


Release date: 03-09-2022


  • Fixed a bug where the greeting image and message aren’t shown to customers who have chat history turned off.


  • Added a title to push notifications to provide additional context to the existing push notification message preview.
  • Added a new ‘startNewConversation` method which introduces the functionality to start a new conversation with an end-user message by specifying the initial message direction.


  • Improved the accuracy of Turkish translations.
  • Improved the keyboard’s performance while searching the knowledge base.
  • Improved how we send CSAT responses to our backend to support CSAT reporting in a variety of languages.


  • openNewConversation has been deprecated. Please see startNewConversation.


Release date: 02-23-2022


  • Fixed a rare bug that caused the app to crash when calling setChatSettings.


  • Added a footer to the Knowledge Base search results page that indicates if more than 100 articles were found.
  • Added support for disabling attachments. To edit, go to Apps > Chat > Settings on the Kustomer website.


  • Improved the UI when viewing CSAT surveys that contain many questions.
  • Improved the Knowledge Base UI by adding a loading indicator.
  • Improved our authentication to fix an issue where a chat conversation would occasionally not have an assistant.


  • Updated the Firebase Messaging Library to the latest version.
  • Updated sorting on the conversation list. Now, the list is sorted by the timestamp of the most recent message within a conversation.


Release date: 01-19-2022 //

Summary: Hotfix release


Fixed an issue where assistant conversations may show in chat history with an incorrect team name and avatar.


Release date: 01-13-2022


  • Fixed a bug that was causing knowledge base articles to render incorrectly when viewing them on an Android device.
  • Fixed a race condition that could lead to a rare app crash.
  • Fixed a bug where a CSAT message preview wasn’t being shown in the history view if it was the last message in the thread.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a confirmation message from displaying when a user selected a negative article rating if Article Feedback is turned off. Now, users will receive confirmation that their feedback has been submitted.
  • Fixed a bug that was giving users the ability to start more than one chat conversation when an existing conversation was loading and ‘restrict to single open chat’ was enabled.


  • Added the ability to disable in-app notifications using the showInAppNotifications configuration option. For more information, see KustomerOptons class reference.


  • Updated the conversation list to no longer display draft conversations.


Release date: 12-14-2021


  • Fixed several race conditions that could lead to rare app crashes.
  • Fixed a bug that displayed a conversation’s preview incorrectly in the conversation list if the customer selected an object in the conversational assistant.
  • Fixed a bug that created multiple new conversations when a customer sent multiple replies. Now, a customer’s replies will thread into the existing conversation.
  • Fixed a Connectivity Manager memory leak.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing conversations with an initial message over 256 characters from sending.


  • Added support for an article feedback survey.
  • Added the ability for a user to retry fetching chat data when viewing the Error fetching chat data screen.
  • The offhoursImageUrl file is now used as a Greeting image shown when customers contact you outside of your business hours.
  • Added support for storing visited data on chat deflection articles.


  • Improved caching performance.


  • Update 2.1 messages endpoint from pageSize to count.


Release date: 11-04-2021


  • Fixed a bug that caused lines to render incorrectly when using the conversational assistant.
  • Fixed a bug where the keyboard wasn’t immediately opening when clicking the search bar.
  • Fixed rare race conditions where the method could be called on an uninitialized ViewModel.


  • Added support for conversational assistant rules.
  • Fixed a bug where historical conversations weren’t automatically showing when a customer logged in.


  • Improved the reliability around agent-to-customer message delivery.
  • Improved pagination reliability.
  • Improved read receipts to avoid extra calls to the markRead endpoint for initial assistant messages.


Release date: 10-11-2021

Summary: Hotfix release


  • Fixed a bug where users restricted to one open chat would not see the New Conversation button if they had conversations that were merged but not closed.


  • We have temporarily locked the screen orientation to Portrait mode while we work on improving rotation and better handling of configuration changes.


Release date: 09-23-2021


  • Fixed a bug that causes CSAT message labels to overlap. Now, labels that are over 25 characters long are shown in full or truncated with ellipses.
  • Fixed a bug where the Search icon in an article wasn’t responsive. Now, you can use this icon to search for articles.


  • Added pagination to the conversation list to increase page loading speed. The first 100 conversations are shown on the first page.


  • Improved how videos display in the chat UI. Now, if you select a video link in an article, the full video plays.
  • Improved the speed and reliability of message delivery.
  • Messages created over 30 days ago are now retained.


Release date: 08-20-21


  • Fixed a bug that causes conversations marked Done in Kustomer to be displayed in the conversation list despite Hide History being set to true.
  • Fixed a bug that causes images to overlap with text on small screens.
  • Fixed a bug that causes the app to crash if the internet connection is lost.
  • Fixed an issue with user initials in an avatar being off-center.


Release date: 08-05-21


Previous theme no longer supported

The KusAppTheme that was previously used customize chat UI colors colors is no longer supported. We recommend you use the updated Color customization guide, or change your existing style name from

<style name="KusAppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">


<style name="KusAppTheme.Overlay" parent="KusAppTheme">

The rest of the styling can stay the same. If you're overriding any colors in the UI SDK, please review our updated Color customization guide for any changes that might affect you.


  • Fixed a bug that causes images to overlap text.
  • Fixed a bug occurring on some devices that caused the text box to have to be re-selected in between messages.


  • Added support for Android 12. You can read more information on how Android 12 may affect your app behavior here.
  • Added a new openKbArticle method that can be used to open a Knowledge base article by its ID.
  • Added a new method that can be used to determine when to call login. For more information, see Log in and authentication.
  • Added more informative error messages for scenarios where a chat cannot initialize due to required chat settings that may be missing.
  • Added additional color customization options. To learn more, see the updated Color customization guide.


  • Improved the keyboard behavior when filling out a CSAT. The keyboard now automatically collapses if the user is interacting with a non-text component.
  • Improved the French and Spanish translations in buttons and tabs.


Release date: 07-09-2021


  • Fixed a bug impacting the Powered by Kustomer logo.


  • Added a brandOverride method to Kustomer Core that relies on a callback instead of Kotlin Coroutines.


Release date: 06-30-2021


  • Fixed a bug that caused an empty chat bubble to appear after replying with an image that has a new line inserted after the image.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a no-network connection screen to appear when viewing empty knowledge base articles.
  • Fixed a bug where chatSettings may not be initialized by the time they are required to display the chat UI.
  • Fixed a bug where the CSAT unread count badge isn’t showing when viewing the conversation list view.


  • Added support for multi-question CSAT.
  • Added a new hideHistoryNavigation configuration option to hide the back button in the Conversations view. Use this configuration option to allow customers to have multiple chats open at the same time and bypass the Conversations (chat history) view when appropriate.
  • Added the option to open a help article in your device browser. Previously, articles could only be viewed in the Knowledge Base view of the chat widget. You can hide the ability to open help articles in a browser by using the new hideKbArticleShare configuration option. For more information, see the KustomerOptions class reference.
  • Added the overrideAssistant and overrideBrand parameters. For more information, see Open the Chat UI with overrides.


Release date: 06-09-2021


  • Fixed a bug that caused errors in how conditional branching for the conversational assistant handled multi-level list values.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the SDK to create draft conversations in the customer timeline. To fix this issue, we updated the SDK to use the latest chat session POST endpoint, updated from /c/v2.0/chat/session to /c/v2.1/chat/session.


  • Improved the visual consistency for avatar display in the chat UI across all conversations.
  • Improved message loading for users when they open the SDK without a network connection. Now, messages display inside existing conversations even after users open the SDK without a network connection.


Release date: 05-27-2021

Summary: We made several updates and bug fixes to the Chat Android SDK with a focus on the following:

  • Improve render performance
  • Improve user experience for the chat UI
  • Add attachment upload functionality for all conversations
  • Add text copy functionality for chat bubbles


  • Fixed a bug that caused the chat widget to display a “New Conversation” button in the Conversations view when a customer ends a conversation and the chat widget is set to appear offline. Now, the chat widget displays a “Leave a message” button as expected.
  • Fixed a bug that caused SDK strings to display in English instead of the default device language when an explicit SDK language override was undefined.
  • Fixed a bug that caused formatting errors for some hyperlinked text in the UI. Now, all hyperlinked text appears as clickable text in the UI as expected.
  • Fixed an edge-case bug related to NullPointerException for getBitmap from a URI.


  • Added functionality for users to add attachments to new conversations with or without conversational assistants to match functionality with the Chat Web SDK.
  • Added functionality for users to tap and hold chat bubbles to copy the message text to their clipboard.
  • Added handling for multiple taps for conversational assistant button responses. Now, response buttons are hidden after the first tap to prevent multiple taps.


  • Improved the keyboard display behavior to always minimize the keyboard when a customer returns to the Conversations view from an open conversation.
  • Improved the overall render performance for the Chat Android SDK with an emphasis on view rendering performance improvements.


Release date: 05-14-2021

Summary: We made several updates and bug fixes to the Chat Android SDK with a focus on the following:

  • Improve consistency and usability for chat widget display behavior, UI copy, message previews, and merged conversations.
  • Improve consistency of language locale overrides set in the SDK.
  • Remove an unnecessary default declaration from the SDK manifest file.

Docs: We added a new developer guide: Quick start: Chat SDK for Android 🎉.


  • Fixed several small memory leaks where references to views were retained beyond their lifetime.
  • Fixed a bug that caused message-loading errors for some users when refreshing newly created conversations with the “pull to refresh” gesture.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the chat widget to display “Chat has ended” for some users when they tried to create a new conversation after a conversation had ended by tapping the New Conversation button.


  • Improved the Conversations list UI to display different message previews based on the last message. Now, the Conversations list UI displays the following:
    • If the user sent an image as the last message: “You sent an attachment”
    • If the agent sent an attachment as the last message: the required body text that was sent with the attachment
    • If the conversational assistant sent order results from the Object Selector dialog as the last message: the message text the assistant sent before the results
  • Improved the UI copy for consistency with other mobile and web Chat SDKs. Now, button text in the Android SDK uses title case and matches the button text casing for other Chat SDKs.
  • Improved the user experience for conversations merged by an agent. Previously, the SDK opened a new conversation for a user after a merge. Now, the SDK opens the user to the destination conversation after an agent merge.
  • Improved the display for truncated titles and descriptions for KObjects sent through the Object selector dialog feature for the conversational assistant. Now, truncated KObject titles or descriptions appear with ellipses in the UI.
  • Improved the keyboard display behavior in the Knowledge Base view for the chat widget. Now, the keyboard display remains closed when there are no results after an article search in the Knowledge Base view.
  • Improved the usability of the Conversations list for organizations to match the Chat Web SDK behavior for closed conversations. Now, the Android SDK displays in the Conversations list the name of the last agent, conversational assistant, or team a customer received a message from before the conversation was closed.
  • Improved the consistency of language locale overrides set in the SDK.
  • Improved the display behavior for avatars. Previously, the chat widget displayed a blank avatar when a team avatar was set, but an avatar was missing for a conversational assistant. Now, the chat widget always displays an avatar with the initials of the display name as a default when an avatar is unavailable.


  • Removed the following default declaration from the Android Chat SDK manifest file: android:roundIcon="@mipmap/ic_launcher_round". Previously, the SDK applied the roundIcon declaration by default when the attribute was undefined in client apps.


Release date: 04-16-2021


Android Chat SDK hosting is moving fully to the Maven Central Repository

JFrog will sunset Bintray and JCenter on May 1st, 2021. In response, we are now hosting the Android Kustomer Chat SDK on the Maven Central Repository.

If you've used our Bintray repositories in the past, remove the following Bintray URL from your root-level repositories container: ''.

All previous versions of the Android Chat SDK are available on both Maven and Bintray until further notice."

Summary: We made several updates and bug fixes to the Chat Android SDK with a focus on the following:

  • Improve error handling, localization, and user experience for the conversational assistant and for ended conversations.
  • Add support for the Object Selector dialog interaction, a new feature for the conversational assistant.


  • Fixed a bug that caused localization inconsistencies for some message types.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Powered by Kustomer logo to overlap the final article listed in the Knowledge Base chat widget experience display.



  • Improved the UI copy for consistency with other mobile and web Chat SDKs. Now, an “Ended” label appears for all closed conversations listed in the chat conversations views.


Release date: 03-29-2021


  • Fixed the back stack handling for when users open a push notification and then go back or minimize the app. A previous bug caused some apps to close in these scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some apps to crash when a TrackingToken was not available from the network.
  • Fixed a bug that caused conversation list timestamps for the last message sent to update only when an agent sends a message. Now, the timestamps update as expected when both agent and customer messages are sent.
  • Fixed a bug that caused special characters (for example, apostrophes) in Knowledge Base articles to display improperly for the Knowledge Base chat widget experience.


  • Added a Boolean return type to onMessageReceived to improve app handling for remote messages. You can now call onMessageReceived to verify first if a push notification is from Kustomer. To learn more, see Push Notifications with FCM.


  • Improved the consistency for the “New Conversation” button behavior when conversations are ended or connection is lost.
  • Improved intermittent network handling for chat messages. When a lost connection is restored, the Chat SDK 1) removes any failed message, 2) ends the conversation (if the agent has ended the conversation), and 3) displays a “New Conversation” button or CSAT survey (if applicable).
  • Improved Chat Android SDK handling for any server downtimes from either PubNub or Kustomer.


Release date: 03-03-2021


  • Fixed a bug that caused some conversational assistant messages to appear in an order different from the order expected from the assistant logic flow.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the chat reply time, or wait message, set in Chat Management: Design settings from displaying as expected on Android devices.
  • Fixed a bug that caused chat to stop responding on Moto Z² Force devices. Previously, the squared symbol, ², in the device name created errors during network requests.


  • Improved Android Chat SDK error logs to print stack traces by default. Now, you can view stack traces in your error logs without having to turn on debug logging manually.
  • Improved error messaging and user experience for connectivity issues. Chat now displays a “No internet connection” screen when an internet connection is unavailable. We also added automatic network connection retry logic so that chat will automatically try to reconnect with a network.
  • Updated offline behavior of the “New Conversation” button. The Android SDK now turns off and hides this button for the Conversations chat history view whenever the chat is offline.
  • Updated file attachment button enablement for conversational assistant flows as default. The file attachment button now appears for users during the assistant flow. Previously, the SDK delayed button enablement between when a conversation with an assistant ends and when a conversation with an agent begins.


  • Removed explicit dependency on com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor to avoid dependency conflicts.


Release date: 02-17-2021


  • We fixed a bug that caused a border to appear around chat avatar icons.


  • You can now specify a brandId to associate newly-created conversations with a specific brand. If you do not specify a brandId, newly-created conversations are associated with your default brand set in Kustomer.


  • You can now call the logOut API from the Background thread.
  • We removed access to internal SDK classes.


Release date: 02-10-2021


  • The assistant avatar is not shown for the first message
  • Merged conversations showing in the chat history list
  • observeActiveConversationIds() API now returns conversation IDs older than 30 days


  • Upgraded Kotlin version to 1.4


Release date: 01-22-2021


  • Crash with Illegal State Exception onSaveInstanceState
  • Crash with Pubnub methodNotFound exception


  • Handle conversation merge events
  • Indicate user presence state
  • Error message when a blank chat view is shown
  • Support KnowledgeBase IDs for message template articles


  • Updated German translations


Release date: 01-08-2021


  • Crash on network connectivity issue with PubNub
  • Gradle build error on Windows machine
  • Handle Glide exception when fetching agent avatar in push notifications
  • CSAT push notification shown for current active chat


  • Allow optional Brand ID to fetch brand-specific settings


  • Describe conversation API to support Date formats
  • Describe customer API to support multiple input formats
  • Improved UX for submitting Customer Satisfaction surveys


  • Lowercase conversation within Describe conversation API. For Customers using Tree or Multi-level list while describing conversation/customer would have to convert the values to lowercase while passing them to the SDK. Please refer here for more details


Release date: 12-16-2020


  • Describe Conversation to allow boolean type
  • Show push notification for current active chat when in the background
  • Images sent as a user show up in Kustomer in the wrong orientation
  • Handling FCM exceptions in SDK
  • Blank push notifications
  • Showing agent gravatars


  • Hide new conversation override configuration in SDK


Release date: 12-07-2020


  • Crash on CSAT using proguard
  • Crash on Push notification with an Agent avatar image


  • Assistant avatar
  • Hiding of Kustomer branding via chat settings


  • Read external storage permission for uploading chat attachments


Release date: 11-19-2020


  • Overriding of Business schedule id after init API


  • Renamed Chat input view
  • Upgraded PubNub library to Kotlin version