Open conversational assistant

You can open a conversational assistant based on the assistantId.

This is essentially the same as overriding the chat assistant, and starting a
new conversation.


Warning: This method is not natively available on Android, but is

implemented there too. You may encounter some issues,
according to the Android docs.

Copy the assistantId from the Conversational Assistants page in Kustomer (go
to Settings > Kustomer IQ > Conversational Assistants).

To learn more, see
Introduction to Conversational Assistants.


import KustomerChat from '@kustomer/chat-react-native';

  .then((assistant) => {
    // Chat UI opened to the conversational assistant
    // assistant is an object that contains some details about the conversational assistant
  .catch((error) => {
    // Error opening the conversational assistant