A glossary of common terms referenced throughout the Kustomer Apps Platform documentation.
This glossary defines common terms referenced throughout the Kustomer Apps Platform documentation.
To view the Kustomer end-user product glossary, see Kustomer Glossary in our Help Center.
A private or public application a Kustomer organization can install to extend or customize their Kustomer instance. Apps available to an organization are listed in the App Directory. See What can Kustomer apps do?.
App definition
A JSON app definition that allows you to define and register, or update, your app to a Kustomer organization. Kustomer Partners can submit public apps for consideration in the Kustomer App Marketplace. See App definition basics.
App Directory
A directory of public and private apps available to install for your Kustomer organization. You can search for and manage installations and upgrades for system and third-party apps. Access the App Directory from Settings> Apps > App Directory.
App Settings
App Settings define a set of variables that can be referenced from within other properties of the app definition (for example, Commands, Klass Views, or Workflows. Must always include Internationalization strings with en-us
as a fallback language locale. When app settings are defined, Kustomer autogenerates an App Settings page to display after app installation. See App Settings.
Custom Settings
Custom Settings pages support apps that require more advanced validation or a custom settings page. Custom Settings always override App Settings. See Custom Settings Pages.
App Starter Config repo
A collection of app configuration templates and command-line tools to help you generate and register app definitions easily from JavaScript files. Available as a GitHub template repository. See Use the App Starter Config.
Cards SDK
The Kustomer Cards SDK is a JavaScript library that allows you to embed external applications directly within Kustomer to integrate at the UI- and API-level. Use the Cards SDK to create Klass Views and Widgets that can interact directly with the Kustomer API and third-party APIs. See Cards SDK.
Reusable requests that can be executed through the Kustomer API. Commands provide a simple wrapper to allow custom components in Kustomer to interact with external services. See Commands.
To add or to create custom configurations to a Kustomer organization. You can install an app that can configure Klasses, Workflows, and more. A custom Klass configured by an app may be called an app-configured Klass.
Custom Attributes
Organizations can create their own custom properties, known as custom attributes in Kustomer, for both standard and custom data object schemas, or Klasses, in Kustomer.
Dark Mode
Kustomer supports both Light, Dark, and Device Default themes for users. Use CSS variables to support Dark Mode themes in Kustomer for Klass Views and Widgets to ensure visual continuity between themes. See Dark Mode.
Klasses define the schemas for data objects in Kustomer. A Kustomer app can create and configure custom Klasses to represent external domain objects such as e-commerce orders, survey results, or external customer interactions. A custom object, or an instance of a custom Klass, is called a KObject in Kustomer. See Klasses.
Standard Klasses
The Kustomer platform features a set of standard Klasses with standard attributes. Standard Klasses define the schemas for the following standard data objects in Kustomer: Company, Conversation, Customer, Message, and User. Organizations can create apps that configure custom attributes for both standard Klasses and custom Klasses. See Standard Klasses.
Klass Views (KViews)
Klass Views, or KViews are custom views that display data for standard objects and for custom objects (or KObjects) on the agent timeline in Kustomer. The Kustomer platform renders Klass Views based on a JSX template. Apps can configure Klass Views for a Kustomer organization to customize timeline layouts, insight cards, insight panels, and insight details. See Klass Views.
Kustomer API
Refers to the Kustomer application programming interface used to read and update your Kustomer organization data. Available at
Kustomer API Key
The primary authorization method Kustomer uses to send and receive data through the Kustomer API. Required for development on the Kustomer Apps Platform. See Get access.
Kustomer Apps Platform
The framework for apps development on the Kustomer platform. Use the Kustomer Apps Platform to create apps that can help your team and other customer organizations customize and extend the functionality of their Kustomer platform and data model. See What can Kustomer apps do?.
Kustomer Partner
Kustomer Partners receive access to a Partner developer account and the ability to submit public apps for consideration in the Kustomer App Marketplace. Any organization or third-party developer can apply to become a Kustomer business partner or technology partner.
Inbound Webhooks
Inbound webhooks (such as form hooks, webhooks, and email hooks) provide the main way for external data to enter the Kustomer platform. Inbound webhooks define URLs that can receive and translate data into an "event" in Kustomer platform. The Kustomer platform can then use the event with a Trigger to initiate a Workflow. See Inbound Webhooks.
To install an available app from the App Directory to a Kustomer organization.
Kustomer serves a global audience of professionals who work and support customers in a variety of different languages. You can map language locales to text in the app definition to support internationalization for the different helper text strings displayed in the app. See Internationalization.
A templating language first built as a part of the React JavaScript Framework. Klass Views use JSX-based templates to allow developers an to define lightweight UIs easily. See JSX in Kustomer.
OAuth 2.0 Client
OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization. You can use the Kustomer OAuth 2.0 client to configure delegated access for some app properties based on a third-party OAuth 2.0 provider specification. See OAuth 2.0 Client.
OAuth Provider
You can authorize externally hosted apps to access the Kustomer API either with a Kustomer API Key or with the Kustomer OAuth provider. The Kustomer OAuth provider generates an access token that you can use like a Kustomer API key to authorize API requests. See OAuth Provider.
Outbound Webhooks
Outbound webhooks send data from Kustomer into external services. Apps can configure outbound webhooks to send data automatically to the external service once the app is installed. The data sent with the request will be a Kustomer Event object that provides an updated snapshot of the updated or created object along with any changes. See Outbound Webhooks.
Private app
A private app is only available for the Kustomer organization to which the app was registered. An organization can create and register private apps to build on their existing Kustomer platform with custom integrations and configurations. See Get access to learn more about access requirements.
Public app
An app that is available to all Kustomer organizations as a public app listed in the Kustomer App Directory. Kustomer Partners can submit public apps for consideration for the Kustomer App Marketplace. See Kustomer Partner.
To add the JSON definition for a new app to a Kustomer organization. When you register an app successfully to a Kustomer organization, the app becomes available for installation in the App Directory. See Register and update apps.
Triggers are events from within Kustomer or from an external platform used to initiate Workflows. Apps can configure workflows to use default triggers or define their own triggers to be used by app-defined or custom workflows. See Triggers.
To add an updated or modified JSON definition for an existing app to a Kustomer organization. Some updates require a new app version. See Register and update apps.
To upgrade an installed app from the App Directory to the latest available app version.
A Kustomer end-user, often an agent or administrator. Administrators are able to install and upgrade apps for their Kustomer organizations.
Widgets are iFrame-formatted UI elements that users can access from anywhere on the Kustomer platform UI. You can configure widgets to display relevant data for users based on their context. You can also create app-configured widgets that function as in-app portals to third-party sites, external services, or other communication platforms, such as a VoIP app, or a cloud contact center. See Widgets.
Workflows are automations in Kustomer that combine triggers (specified events from within Kustomer or from a connected service) and conditional logic to perform specified workflow actions (for example, add tags, assign users, create customers, or make calls to external systems).
Apps can configure workflows that make it easy for users to copy and customize the workflows as needed to automate repetitive manual processes or to build on their Kustomer platform with custom business logic. See Workflows.
Scheduled Workflows
Scheduled workflows are time-based workflows that can schedule, or be scheduled by, other workflows. Apps can configure both a scheduled workflow and scheduling workflow to work with powerful time-based conditional logic. See Scheduled Workflows.
Workflow Actions
Workflow actions are reusable elements of a workflow that any workflow can use to interact with Kustomer and with external services. Apps can configure workflow actions to be used in the workflows also configured by the app or in custom user workflows. See Workflow Actions.
Updated almost 4 years ago