Outbound Webhooks
Learn how to configure Outbound Webhooks for your app. This page includes descriptions and examples for defining outbound webhooks in a Kustomer app.
Outbound webhooks send data from Kustomer into external services. Apps can configure outbound webhooks to send data automatically to the external service once the app is installed. The data sent with the request will be a Kustomer Event object that provides an updated snapshot of the updated or created object along with any changes.
In Kustomer, posting to a webhook requires a Kustomer API key with the org.permission.outbound_webhook permission.
Learn more about outbound webhooks in the Kustomer Help Center.
Outbound webhooks review for public apps
The Kustomer Apps Platform team reviews apps that require outbound webhooks during the submission process for public apps.
If your public app uses an outbound webhook, the outbound webhook must be mission critical to the app, and your team will need to create a privacy TOS agreement with Kustomer before the public release of the app. The Kustomer team may also request additional security information to notify app users that their data will be sent to a third party.
Outbound webhooks format in the app definition
The outboundWebhooks
property takes an array of properties that define the following for each outbound webhook: a name for the outbound webook, the URL the webhook posts to, any headers that should be added to the request, and the events subscribed to by the outbound webhook.
Outbound webhooks definition example
The following sample JSON app definition includes an outbound webhooks definition that creates and configures the outbound webhook Send conversation events to Ecomm Store
in Kustomer. In the example below, the outbound webhook triggers when a customer is created or when a conversation is updated.
"app": "ecommstore",
"version": "0.0.1",
"title": "E-comm Store",
"outboundWebhooks": [{
"name": "Send conversation events to Ecomm Store",
"url": "https://example-ecommstore.com/conversations",
"headers": [{
"name": "x-special-info-source",
"value": "kustomer"
"events": ["kustomer.conversation.create", "kustomer.conversation.update"]
Outbound webhooks property descriptions
The basic outbound webhooks definition properties and their descriptions are listed below:
Required. A descriptive, meaningful human-readable name for the outbound webhook.
Example: "name": "Send conversation events to Ecomm Store"
The URL the outbound webhook will send a POST request to when the event(s) the outbound webhook is subscribed to trigger(s). Maximum length of 255 characters.
Example: "url": "https://example-ecommstore.com/conversations"
An array of any custom headers to include in the requests from the outbound webhook. Format for each header in array: {"name": "header name", "value": "header value"}
"headers": [{
"name": "x-special-info-source",
"value": "kustomer"
An array of events that the outbound webhook subscribes to in the app definition and will trigger the outbound webhook.
The event, or events, describe when the following objects in Kustomer are either created or updated: Customer, Conversation, Message, User, and Team.
Example (the webhook triggers when a customer is created or when a conversation is updated):
"events": ["kustomer.conversation.create","kustomer.conversation.update"]
Event options and descriptions are listed below:
Event | Description |
kustomer.customer.create | Outbound webhook triggers when a customer is created |
kustomer.customer.update | Outbound webhook triggers when a customer is updated |
kustomer.conversation.create | Outbound webhook triggers when a conversation is created |
kustomer.conversation.update | Outbound webhook triggers when a conversation is updated |
kustomer.message.create | Outbound webhook triggers when a message is created |
kustomer.message.update | Outbound webhook triggers when a message is updated |
kustomer.user.create | Outbound webhook triggers when a user is created |
kustomer.user.update | Outbound webhook triggers when a user is updated |
kustomer.team.create | Outbound webhook triggers when a team is created |
kustomer.team.update | Outbound webhook triggers when a team is updated |
Sample trigger event payloads
We've provided sample payloads for each outbound webhook trigger event type:
Customer events
Sample payloads for kustomer.customer.create
and kustomer.customer.update
"body": {
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"name": "kustomer.customer.create",
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Conversation events
Sample payloads for kustomer.conversation.create
and kustomer.conversation.update
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Message events
Sample payloads for kustomer.message.create
and kustomer.message.update
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Retry Policy
We attempt to send an event 10 times over an approximately 80-minute timeframe. If an outbound webhook request is unsuccessful 10 times in a row, the webhook will be turned off, and must be turned on again manually. After this occurs, the user will need to open Kustomer and go to Settings > Platform > Outbound Webhooks to verify everything is set up correctly with the hook, then turn it back on when it's ready to be used.
Updated almost 3 years ago