Add chat to your website
Learn how to embed chat on your website or web app.
You can embed Kustomer Chat on your website or web app. To embed Kustomer Chat on your Kustomer Knowledge Base, see Add chat to your Knowledge Base.
Using Google Tag Manager? Load chat asynchronously to initialize chat.
Load chat asynchronously to embed Kustomer Chat on sites that use Google Tag Manager. See Load chat asynchronously.
To add Kustomer Chat to any page, copy and paste the configured Wed SDK code from your Chat Management: Install Chat settings before the closing body </body>
tag in your HTML file. To learn more, see Chat Management: Install Chat in the Kustomer Help Center.
You can also manage authorized domains and URL overrides in the Chat Management: Domains settings in Kustomer. Use authorized domains and URL overrides to turn on or to turn off Kustomer Chat for specific web pages or domains.
Updated almost 3 years ago