
Opens a Knowledge Base article based on the article id.

Use Kustomer.openKbArticle() to open the chat widget and take the customer to a specific knowledge base article based on the article id.

You can find the article id in Kustomer when you select an article from the Articles settings page under Settings > Knowledge Base.

Example URL for an article: https://<org>.kustomerapp.com/app/settings/kb/articles/<id>/edit


First, initialize chat fully

Kustomer Chat must finish initializing fully with Kustomer.start() before you can execute any additional Web SDK methods.

Tip: Call other methods inside the callback of Kustomer.start() to ensure Kustomer Chat always completes initialization before the code tries to run other methods.

To learn more, see Troubleshooting: Kustomer method calls won't execute.


// Go to an article by article id
Kustomer.openKbArticle 'SOME_ARTICLE_ID');

// Go to the article and run a callback 
Kustomer.openKbArticle('SOME_ARTICLE_ID', (response, error) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {    
	  console.log('Successfully article conversation');


Kustomer.openKbArticle(articleId, function(null, error))

The article id.

You can find the article id in Kustomer when you select an article from the Articles settings page under Settings > Knowledge Base.

If invalid, an error will be returned in the callback.
function(null, error)FunctionOptional

A callback that is run after Kustomer.openKbArticle completes.

error is either undefined or a native JavaScript Error object.