
KBProvider Class reference for Kustomer Chat iOS Core API .

public class KBProvider


Get articles and categories for the root of the Knowledge Base.

let kb = KBProvider.shared kb.getArticlesAndCategories(completion: { r in switch r { case .success(let items): kdump(items) case .failure(let error): kdump(error) } })


Get articles and categories whose parent is categoryId

kb.getArticlesAndCategories(parentCategoryId: "123", completion:)

Search for articles and categories

kb.getArticlesAndCategories(searchText: "red", completion:)


Get article.

kb.getArticle(id: "5ec9b137c07af60013270753", completion: { r in switch r { case .success(let article): kdump(article) case .failure(let error): kdump(error) } })


Get category.

kb.getCategory(id:5ec9b138c07af60013270758, completion: { r in switch r { case .success(let category): kdump(category) case .failure(let error): kdump(error) } })


The Knowledge Base is stored entirely in a local data store. The first time you make a request for KB data, the local data store is populated.

Manually populates the Knowledge Base.

kb.update({ result in switch result { case .success: kprint("updated. lastUpdateAt is now \(kb.lastUpdateAt)") case .failure(let error): kprint(error.localizedDescription) } })


Manually clears the Knowledge Base.



Info about the local data store. See kb.lastUpdateAt.


Info about the local data store.

If the data store has been loaded at least once, you must manage updating it periodically on your own.


Extended KB article properties and category properties

There are many extended attributes for articles and categories. the completeObject() method on KUSKBArticle and KUSKBCategory objects lets you access this. The rawJSON property is the same, but not parsed into a dictionary.

Article properties: https://apidocs.kustomer.com/?version=latest#959b0560-da94-41bc-965f-234d0025c5aa

Category properties: https://apidocs.kustomer.com/?version=latest#0f9a0b2d-9d26-4f7d-abd1-1f3f0102958b


public static let shared: KBProvider

The central object for managing Kustomer Knowledge Base-related activities.

Getting Knowledge Base data


Searches for articles and categories with the parent category id passed. If the parent category id is nil, searches for articles and categories belonging to the root category. To filter by a search string, pass a searchText parameter.

See also KUSKBItemBase.

public func getArticlesAndCategories(parentCategoryId: String? = nil, searchText: String? = nil, completion: @escaping ((Result<[KUSKBItemBase], KError>) -> Void))


public func getArticle(id: String, completion: @escaping ((Result<KUSKBArticle, KError>) -> Void))

Gets a KUSKBArticle from the local database.

See also KUSKBArticle.


public func getCategory(id: String, completion: @escaping ((Result<KUSKBCategory, KError>) -> Void))

Gets a KUSKBCategory from the local database.

See also KUSKBCategory.



Last time the local Knowledge Base data store was completely refreshed

public var lastUpdateAt: Date? { get }


If true, the Knowledge Base data store is empty and you’ve never asked the server for the data

public var hasNeverUpdated: Bool { get }


Updates the local Knowledge Base data store

public func update(_ completion: @escaping ((Result<Void, KError>) -> Void))


Clears entire local data store

public func clearLocalDataStore()

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