Build your own UI
Learn how to build your own mobile Chat UI with the Kustomer Core SDK.
To build your own UI for Kustomer chat and the knowledge base, you can use the Kustomer Core SDK. The Core SDK gives you access to all the data, events, and methods available for our built-in UI.
The Kustomer Core SDK exposes APIs as provider interfaces that allow you to create your own UI and send information into Kustomer APIs.
This guide shows you how to use the Kustomer Core SDK to build your own mobile chat and knowledge base UI for iOS.
Guide: Access the knowledge base 📙
Visit Access the Knowledge Base to learn how to work with the knowledge base with the Kustomer Core SDK.
Guide: Work with conversational assistants 📙
Visit Work with conversational assistants (chatbots) to learn how to work with the conversational assistants with the Kustomer Core SDK.
Before you get started, you'll need the following:
A valid API key with just the
role. See Requirements -
Chat SDK installation. To learn more, see Installation.
To build your own UI with the Kustomer Core SDK, you will need to do the following:
Configure Kustomer in your AppDelegate with options
Access the `Kustomer.chatProvider' instance
Implement listeners with
Step 1: Configure Kustomer chat in your AppDelegate with options
First, configure Kustomer chat in your AppDelegate and pass in enableUI = false
let options = KustomerOptions()
options.enableUI = false
Kustomer.configure(apiKey: apiKey, options: options)
Step 2: Access the `Kustomer.chatProvider' instance
After you configure Kustomer, create a reference to the Kustomer.chatProvider
instance anywhere in your application.
You can call different methods of the Kustomer.chatProvider
to receive events, create messages, and more. Also see the Provider callbacks section.
methodsVisit the Core API reference for a full list of provider methods.
let provider = Kustomer.chatProvider
//See the API Reference link on the left for a full list of methods
provider.sendChatMessage(text: "Hello World", conversationId: "123") { result in
switch result {
case .success(let data):
print("Message with id \( was sent to conversation \(")
case .failure(let error):
print("Error: \(error.errorDescription)")
Step 3: Implement listeners with KUSChatListener
After you create a Kustomer.chatProvider
reference in your application, implement the KUSChatListener
protocol in one of your classes. You can pass an instance of this class to the provider to take actions for events such as when users receive messages, conversations close, and more.
class MyListener: KUSChatListener {
func onChatMessageReceived(conversationId: String,
chatMessage: KUSChatMessage) {
print("New message in conversation \(conversationId): \(chatMessage.body)")
func onConversationCreated(conversationId: String,
conversation: KUSConversation) {
print("A new conversation with id = \(conversationId) was created")
let listener = MyListener()
let provider = Kustomer.chatProvider
Get recent data
A list of conversations or messages for a given conversation ID can be fetched asynchronously.
We've included an example of how to fetch conversations and then fetch the messages for the first conversation.
provider.getConversations { result in
guard case .success(let conversations) = result,
let firstConversationId = conversations.first?.id else {
provider.getChatMessages(conversationId: firstConversationId) { result in
if case .success(let messages) = result {
// Use messages
To receive events in your chat listeners, you need to tell the Kustomer client to start up and go online.
Receive events in listeners
To receive events in chat listeners, use Kustomer.start()
either before or after you attach listeners.
Kustomer.shared.start({ result in
switch result {
case .success:
print("started. you'll now get events.")
case .failure(let error):
print("could not start. try again later")
Stop events
You can stop Kustomer to block network events from listeners or prevent internet connection use.
Restart events
After you stop Kustomer, you can restart Kustomer at any time. Restart Kustomer to replay all chat listener events you missed while offline.
// At 11am:
// 10 minutes later, at 11:10am:
// If you had any chat listeners at 11am, they will receive events that you missed from 11am to 11:10am
Automatic retry for events
Kustomer automatically stops when there are internet connection problems. The Core SDK uses an automatic retry scheme (similar to Alamofire), and Kustomer will not stop right away if the internet connection goes down.
You can attach a listener to receive notifications when Kustomer stops due to internet connection problems.
Provider callbacks
All ChatProvider
provider methods have callbacks that let you know if the request was successful.
You can use ChatProvider
to call methods that send data to the Kustomer platform (for example, send a new chat message).
Data only appears in the listeners and data cache after you successfully send data (for example, a new message or a request to close a conversation).
provider.sendChatMessage(text: "Hello World", conversationId: "123") { result in
switch result {
case .success(let data):
print("Message with id \( was sent to conversation \(")
case .failure(let error):
print("Error: \(error.errorDescription)")
Suggested pattern
We've provided a suggested pattern that shows how to ensure the variable data
always has every chat message for a specific conversation based on the conversation id.
In the code examples below, we use a conversation with a conversation id of 100
import KustomerChat
class ChatDataSource: KUSChatListener {
var provider: ChatProvider
var data: [KUSChatMessage] = []
let conversationID: String
init(with conversationID: String) {
self.conversationID = conversationID
provider = Kustomer.chatProvider
provider.getChatMessages(conversationId: conversationID, completion: { result in
switch result {
case .success(let messages): = messages
case .failure(let error):
print("Error getting messages: \(error.localizedDescription) for Conversation \(conversationID)")
func onChatMessageReceived(conversationId: String,
chatMessage: KUSChatMessage) {
let options = KustomerOptions()
options.enableUI = false
Kustomer.configure(apiKey: "API Key", options: options)
let foo = ChatDataSource()
// now will always have the best available list of chat messages
If you are using Kustomer's Authentication it's recommended that you complete the authentication process BEFORE calling the
method. This will ensure that the authenticated customer's historical messages are loaded whenKustomer.start()
is called.
Updated 11 months ago