Overview: Chat UI
An overview of Kustomer Chat iOS SDK API reference.
We've listed the available Chat UI API reference for the iOS SDK below. Each entry links to a page that provides code samples for the individual entry.
Show chat availability
Returns the current chat availability for an organization.
Open chat conversations
Opens a new conversation, or opens a new conversation with a message.
Opens a conversation based on the conversationId
Open conversational assistants (chatbots) from the chat
Opens a conversational assistant based on the assistant id.
Open Knowledge Base articles from the chat
Opens a Knowledge Base article based on the article id.
Update information about a customer or conversation
Updates information about a Customer object in Kustomer.
Updates information about a Conversation object in Kustomer.
Show the number of unread, active, and open conversations
Shows the count of unread messages.
Shows the count of active conversations.
Updated almost 4 years ago
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