Open conversational assistant by id
Opens a conversational assistant based on the assistant id.
You can open a conversational assistant based on the assistant id. If the assistant id is invalid, an error is returned.
Copy the conversational assistant id from the Conversational Assistants page in Kustomer (go to Settings > Kustomer IQ > Conversational Assistants).
To learn more, see Introduction to Conversational Assistants.
Kustomer.openChatAssistant(id: "newID", startDialog: nil) { result in
switch result {
case .success():
case .failure(let error):
print("Error: \(error)")
//Also valid:
Kustomer.options.activeAssistant = .withId("newID")
Kustomer.startNewConversation { convo in
Default Assistant
If you wish to use the default Conversational Assistant for your org there is no need to set the activeAssistant option.
You can also switch back to the default Assistant by setting:
Kustomer.options.activeAssistant = .orgDefault
Open chat with a specific conversational assistant
To learn more, see Open the Chat UI with a conversational assistant.
Updated almost 3 years ago