Settings Class reference for Kustomer Chat iOS Core API .
Settings for your org. Fetched from the REST API. Change them on the Kustomer website, and restart your app to see the new ones. They are saved locally so you can use parts of the Kustomer SDK while offline (assuming you’ve configured and opened the Kustomer UI (regular SDK) or configured and called start(...)
once (build your own UI SDK) at least once with an active internet connection).
public class Settings
The name of the support team to be displayed.
public static var teamName: String { get set }
The URL where the team icon image can be found.
public static var teamIconUrl: String { get set }
Whether to show chat, kb, or both
public static var widgetType: String { get set }
The greeting displayed when the organization is available
public static var greeting: String { get set }
How to handle chat when outside of business hours. Either act like the organization is online, show it as offline, or hide chat entirely.
public static var offhoursDisplay: KustomerOffhoursDisplay { get set }
Greeting message to show at top of screen when offline (outside of business hours). Shown when outside of business hours (or during a holiday) and when offhoursDisplay == .offline
public static var offhoursMessage: String { get set }
Image to display when offline (outside of business hours) on the blank new conversation screen.
public static var offhoursImageUrl: String? { get set }
Message to show before an agent joins the conversation, at the top of the chat screen. Shown when inside of business hours and not during a holiday. If offlineDisplay == .online, this is also shown outside of business hours/holidays.
public static var waitMessage: String? { get set }
Chat assistant to use for all new conversations.
public static var activeAssistant: String? { get set }
If false, completely disables Kustomer. To edit, go to Channels > Chat > Settings > Enable Chat toggle on the Kustomer website.
public static var enabled: Bool { get set }
If true, customers will only be able to have one open chat conversation at a time.
public static var singleSessionChat: Bool { get set }
Allow both a User and Customer to end a chat conversation. No further chat messages will be able to be sent in an ended conversation.
public static var closableChat: Bool { get set }
When chats are “ended” they should vanish. vanish = not in history, not in unread count, none of their messages viewable when chats are ended Hide Chat History Customers will not be able to view a history of previous chats.
public static var noHistory: Bool { get set }
If we should send typing indicators when the customer is typing on their phone.
public static var showTypingIndicatorWeb: Bool { get set }
Show if the agent is typing in the mobile sdk.
public static var showTypingIndicatorCustomerWeb: Bool { get set }
If true, hides the attachment button in the chat UI. To edit, go to Apps > Chat > Settings on the Kustomer website.
public static var willDisableAttachments: Bool { get set }
Updated about 3 years ago